The Swat team of Police has conducted search and strike operations against the criminal elements throughout the district. The Regional Police Officer Sajjad Khan and District Police Chief Zahid Nawaz Marwat have shared the information about the search operation to curb the anti-national activities.
Led by DSP Saidu Sharif Attaluah Shams, SHO Mangalore police station Hayat Khan, elite force, CTD, BDS, DSB officials, and other police officers have participated in the search and strike operation. The end-strike operation was conducted in the Gut, Gut Bela, Nemcha, Chenawt and Yakhtangi areas of Mangalore Police Station.
On the other hand, led by SP Upper Swat Khankhel and SDPO Circle Charbagh Habibullah Khan, the Police along with the army launched a joint operation to maintain law and order in the region at Mount Malam Jabba, Malam, Kasuna, Jai, Chadai.
During the search operation, the Police team has also installed checkpost and searched various suspicious people. Police officials have also reached out to the locals of the region at different places to make a proper control.
The key aim behind the search and strike operation is to identify anti-social and anti-national criminal activities as well as elements in the current security situation and to continue to keep a check on their activities.
Meanwhile, police teams have clarified that, “No one will be allowed to challenge the writs of government institutions or disturb the law and order situation.”
At the same time, the Swat team of Police has ensured that such search, as well as strike operations by police officials along with the army, will be conducted against the criminals in future as well, which will be solely upon curbing the ongoing crime situation across the nation.