
Daily Punch is a leading online news platform that projects to deliver up-to-date news and happenings of Technology, Business, Health, and Entertainment news. A team of experienced and trained journalists is dedicated to serving all our readers with the latest and trending happening all around the nation.

Daily Punch was founded in 2015 with an ambition to become a trusted and reliable news source for people all across the world. Since then Daily Punch is in a continuous run of delivering timely and detailed coverages of every recent happening. Here at Daily Punch, we are covering plenty of new feeds from various categories like Science, Space, Environment, Health, Fitness, Technology and much more.

Nothing hyper-logical or fake, Daily Punch believes in providing modest and most recent happenings. The continuous news serving on the website makes us reliable among millions of news readers all across the globe. From our perspective, we promise to create coverage of all recent happenings of the above-mentioned sections.

With news postings, we also project towards the actual and true user-based reviews of some technical assets like gadgets and automobiles. We also encourage our team to get intact with the latest technical gadget so that they can provide more vivid and details information about tech gadgets.

Our Motive

Here at Daily Punch, our motive is to serve all our readers with up-to-date happenings and news all across the nation. We aim to create a non-biased news platform for a wide range of newsreaders.


Daily Punch, started when a bunch of colleges passed out bloggers decided to create a non-biased news platform to serve all news seekers with updated and fresh news happenings. Every individual took a pledge to get into the depth of news and post it on the website at appropriate time so that our readers can get complete coverage as quickly as possible.

From where we collect information?

Our team of journalists finds a story from both online and offline mediums, then makes an in-depth search of that to make true coverage. We have designated our writers with their expertise category to make them deliver the best.

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Office Address

Daily Punch,
86 Mozang Rd, Block B Jubilee Town,
Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan



