In incidence of COVID-19, February continues to exceed January. Between the 21 days of one month and another there is an increase of 5.7 percent in new infections and 11.8 percent in deaths.
Both months maintain an average of more than 200 cases and 10 deaths reported per day, so the Head of the Epidemiology Unit of the Oaxaca Health Services, Yuko Nakamura López, estimated that while the average daily figure does not stabilize at one hundred will be far from having a considerable decrease.
Municipal president of San Pedro Mixtepec, Miahuatlán dies. “Right now we see a slight decrease” that equated Oaxaca entering a plateau after a rebound in cases that peaked in the third epidemiological week (from Sunday 17 to Saturday 23 January) with 1,834 cases and 121 deaths.
“Due to the onset of symptoms due to the holidays there is a slight decrease, but it is not that we are going down, we are still with high figures because from mid-August to early December we had 100 daily cases and now we continue with 200 a day”, explained.
A person who is exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus can begin to present symptoms two, five or up to 10 days later, a reference parameter in the epidemiological analysis and for Oaxaca the first week of January (from January 3 to 9) It meant breaking the record of people who said they had started with symptoms related to COVID-19, although they came days later to take the test.
“By date of onset of symptoms was week 1 of this year, with 2 thousand 66 cases, which has the highest number and exceeds week 27 of 2020 (from June 29 to July 4) with 1,415 cases” , the figure believed to be the highest in the pandemic.
With the 19 new cases reported yesterday, February accumulates 4,467 infections, 243 more than the 4,224 reported in January in 21 days.
In terms of deaths, February accumulates 265, despite the fact that only two were reported yesterday. That number is 28 more than the 237 COVID-19 deaths reported from January 1 to 21.
Although between the week of Monday, January 15, to Sunday, January 21, 1,442 infections were reported, these are 8.9 percent less than the 1,584 cases that were reported between Monday, February 8 and Sunday, February 14.
Deaths also experienced a slight decrease of 7.3 percent, going from 82 reported from February 8 to 14 to 72 reported from January 15 to 21.
Although there was an apparent decrease in hospital occupancy in recent days, yesterday it rose again to 61 percent, without experiencing a stabilization.
“Occupancy has been very variable these days, ranging from 59 to 61 percent, on average it is 60 percent, there is not much difference,” said Yuko Nakamura.