A new trailer for Outer Banks Season 2 is being revealed by Netflix. The action mystery series created by Shannon Burke, Jonas Pate, Josh Pate debuted in 2020. The series followed a group of rag-tag teens, rivalries, navigating romances, and on the picturesque strand of North Carolina islands, plenty of adventure. The plot follows John B and his friends, dubbed the Pogues, and they are on a hunt for hidden golden treasure valued at $400 million. The mission is personal, and it was the hunt that leads to his father’s died.
Season one ended on a cliffhanger. Starcrossed lovers Sarah and John B on a ship headed for the Bahamas escaped the OBX, where Sarah’s father seemingly shipped the golden treasure. In the choppy water, the pair appear to have died while following not only the treasure but escaping authorities because John B. was named for the murder of the local sheriff. The Pogues made up of Pope, Kiara, and JJ are left mourning their friends’ suspected deaths.
Season 1 was a huge success, and considering the fact, Netflix renewed it for season 2. It is destined for a July 30 premiere. A new action pack trailer is being unravelled by Netflix, which indicates that the treasure hunt is far from over. At the beginning of the trailer lot of tension can be seen as Sarah and John B’s overturned boat is floating at sea. However, the pair somehow survive and make it to the Bahamas. The couple continues their search mission and as well as attempts to avoid police detection over there. They try to find out ways to clear John B’s name. “We are fugitives in a foreign country. Please don’t do anything stupid,” Sarah pleads to John B.
In the tropical destination, the pair finally reunited with the Pogues in the new trailer. What they are not aware of is that Ward and his son Rafe still have the treasure. Rafe, Sarah’s brother, is responsible for the sheriff’s death. The gang is determined to allow John B to take his downfall. The new trailer also introduces a new character Limbrey, played by Elizabeth Mitchell.