St. Kitts and Nevis: Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew met famous Dubai content creator and entrepreneur Ayman Al Yaman and had a discussion regarding Orange Economy.
The famous content creator and entrepreneur Ayman Al Yaman was present among the interested individuals, at the gathering.
With Yaman, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis had a talk with him in relation to the orange economy and later engaged with him for a creating a reel or tiktok video.

PM Drew at Dubai also met with other official delegates and hold the productive discussions with several potential investors.
Prime Minister confirmed that there he shared his vision and opinion over Sustainable Island State Agenda and encouraged everyone present there to explore St. Kitts and Nevis.
He added further that as federation of St. Kitts and Nevis they are open for business and have the accurate environment for the development.

The entrepreneur Ayman Al Yaman whom PM Drew met at the gathering is a 19-year-old guy who co-hosts a talk show named ‘Ask Bottle’, with his elder brother Ghazi Al Yaman.
The brother became famous with a viral TikTok video where they ask Dubai entrepreneurs and residents about what they did for a living.
Along with this, together the brothers also run a 360 social media agency which is known as Bottle Flip Agency, and offers marketing strategies in unique way that doesn’t feel like marketing.

As Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew and Ayman Al Yaman discussed about the Orange Economy, which is also called as Creative Economy that includes all sectors based on creation of intellectual property.
The UNESCO states about the Orange Economy that the main purpose of it is the production or reproduction, promotion, dissemination and marketing of goods, services and activities that have cultural, artistic and patrimonial content.
The citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis praises the initiatives taken by the Prime Minister. Considering this Naomi Harris presented gratitude and said that thank you Prime Minister you are doing a great job. The blessings of the lord are with you, things are happening.