The Chief Minister of Punjab of Pakistan, Chaudhary Parvez Elahi on Saturday has expressed condolences on the demise of famous Punjabi comedian, Tariq Teddy.
After battling with a prolonged kidney ailment, famous Punjabi comedian and theatre artist, Tariq Teddy on Saturday passed away at the age of 46.
Tariq Teddy was suffering from liver disease and was undergoing treatment at Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute (PKLI) in Lahore.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Punjab, Chaudhary Parvez Elahi, took it to Twitter to express grief over the death of Tariq Teddy. CM Elahi stated that, “معروف کامیڈین طارق ٹیڈی کے انتقال پر انتہائی افسوس ہے اور سوگوار خاندان سے دلی ہمدردی ہے۔ طارق ٹیڈی اپنی طرز کے منفرد اداکار تھے۔”, which reads as, “Deeply saddened by the passing away of renowned comedian Tariq Teddi and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. Tariq Teddy was a unique actor in his own style.”
معروف کامیڈین طارق ٹیڈی کے انتقال پر انتہائی افسوس ہے اور سوگوار خاندان سے دلی ہمدردی ہے۔ طارق ٹیڈی اپنی طرز کے منفرد اداکار تھے۔
— Ch Parvez Elahi (@ChParvezElahi) November 19, 2022
Just a few days back, Chief Minister Chaudhary Parvez Elahi has promised free treatment to Tariq Teddy.
While praising the comedy artist for his acting skills, CM Elahi praised the former comedian for carrying a unique charm in his own style as an actor.