Brumaire, St Kitts and Nevis: Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew joined The Cable’s 40th Anniversary Project of at Joseph Nathaniel France (JNF) General Hospital along with the first lady Diani Jimesha Prince. He was accompanied by the Minister of Public Infrastructure, Energy, Utilities and Domestic Transport – Konris G.M. Maynard and the staff members of the Joseph N France Hospital.
PM Drew and the First Lady has joined them with the purpose of enhancing the JNF foyer (entrance). The initiative aims to improve the healthcare services for the citizens of St Kitts and Nevis and to enhance the hospital aesthetically.
Reportedly, it is a combined effort of the Government, The Cable and TDC in collaboration with Dream Works Design, Crown Prints, Vaughn’s Construction & Design, Thomas Duke Architecture, Dianne Angela Designs and Isaac Professional Services to lighten up and beautify the entrance of the JNF Hospital.

Considering the visit, Prime Minister Drew shared the photographs of him and his wife Diani Jimesha Prince, while painting a wall at the JNF Hospital on his official social media handle and wrote that his wife and he joined The Cable, TDC Group of Companies, Berger Paints, Konris G.M. Maynard and members of the Joseph N France Hospital staff.
PM Drew mentioned that they have volunteered for the enhancement of the JNF foyer (entrance). Prime Minister stated that this is a part of the tremendous work which is being done to enhance the hospital aesthetically and to improve healthcare service for the people of the nation, which they deserve on the way to accreditation.

Following this Minister Konris G.M. Maynard has also shared the snippets of the visit and expressed, that he just lent a hand, with the Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew and the First Lady, to The Cable’s 40th Anniversary Community Project at JNF Hospital Lobby Renovation work.
Maynard explained that this was a combined effort of the Government in association with several other ventures, majorly considering The Cable, TDC, Dream Works Design, Crown Prints, Thomas Duke Architecture, and others.

First Lady Diani Jimesha Prince has also expressed her happiness through a gratitude post and wrote that she was happy to join her husband Dr Terrance Drew, yesterday in volunteering at the Joseph N France General Hospital, where major work is underway to enhance the hospital.
Diani Prince presented the gratitude and said that she looks forward to volunteering again soon. She also mentioned that now she is a top class painter, thanks to all of the tips from the hardworking members of the team.