The Prime minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew, on Saturday, March 11, 2023, has taken part in an interview with media personality DJ Morrishaw. The entire interview revolved around the political journey of Dr Terrance Drew on multiple aspects. PM Drew recollected his experience joining the national political scenario.
During the interview, PM Drew emphasized on how the government of St Kitts & Nevis is currently planning strategic policies that could establish proper democracy. Noting to which, he said that, “We are currently striving to establish the proper democracy. We have introduced the good governance laws, that were even in the key government talks from since 2015, but we have done that and made it possible in just 6 months. So we have introduced Good governance laws in the St Kitts and Nevis.”
PM Drew, during the interview, has, also mentioned about the ‘Ombudsman’, referring to which, he said that, “this is all to make sure that the issues of the people can be heard that is part of the good governance as well. We believe in democracy, we believe in good governance, and we’re not just saying that, and we are putting in laws for that. And the passing of these laws demonstrated that we are serious about democracy, we are serious about good governance.”
Meanwhile, during the talks, PM Drew has also mentioned about that government is currently working on setting up funds for medical treatment of children, noting to which PM Drew said that, “When I was a medical doctor, I came to recognize that no children who had life threatening could be saved if given the right treatment.”
He also noted to the recent case of two children, who were shifted to the Cayman Islands for proper treatment, to which he said that, “We have sent them to Cayman, and we are also paying for their entire surgeries. But, no child in St Kitts and Nevis will face death because their lack resources of they can’t afford it, and I’ll ensure that whatever we have to do to protect the children as much as possible.”
It is to be mentioned that PM Drew is also currently working on boosting the health sector of the nation so that proper medical treatment and facilities can be made available to anyone in the Federation.