Cary Joji Fukunaga, the director of No Time To Die, has shared that into the long-running James Bond franchise, the latest entry will bring back a staple tradition in the film’s credits sequence. The film is the 25th entry in the larger Bond franchise and will also mark Daniel Craig’s 5th and final outing as the famed super spy. The film was supposed to release in 2019 but was propounded several times. Now, with theatres around the world gradually reopening, MGM has finally secured an early October release date.
In 2006 Craig 1st debuted in the role. Since then, his Bond films have received mixed reviews. Some films have received good reviews and some bad reviews. MGM’s latest entries into the Bond franchise received inconsistent reception; his films have been different from previous iterations because the films have adopted a consistently serialized approach to storytelling. This film is meant to serve as a narrative capstone to Craig’s 15 years tenure.
Fukunaga, the film director, said that he did not treat this film as the last James Bond film. In a recent interview with Total Films, the director said that the film would be treated as a grand sendoff for Craig’s version of the character, and the end credits will include the iconic Bond will return phrase. “No one’s trying to say some sort of long sentimental goodbye. It’s just another Bond film. The credits still say: ‘Bond will return. ‘I didn’t approach it as the last film. I approached it as: What am I inheriting? What can we do to make this a little bit fresh and exciting, and subvert some of the expectations?”
After Craig’s final outing, it shouldn’t be much surprised that the Bond franchise is continuing. After Dr No in 1962, the franchise quickly became a valuable piece of IP and has already has recast the main character many times over the years. The next James Bond is yet to be cast. The main task of the director is to deliver the overall best film possible. With the film set to release in few months, hopeful the film will deliver a memorable last hurrah for Craig’sCraig’s 007.